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2020-May-S-147-E Announcements And Reminders!
by Atlantis infriends, atlantis is receiving so much stuff so quickly, it is hard to keep up with it all.. the 2020 may announcements and reminders just came in also.
(s-147-e) in english and german.. if you want those just say so in the replies.. petra!.
A discovery concerning 1975 as I am going through old Watchtower literature
by lastmanstanding ini think everyone has heard about the video at the convention a few years back where an older ‘brother’ relates that “some were selling their homes” pre 1975, and it makes it look like the rank and file are stupid.
it shifts the blame to the r&f.
no mention of the km that advocated it.. and you have all seen the km that said it, and that it was the may 1974 km.. however, it was not.
Circuit Overseer to Answer My Questions + Concerns...or Not
by Research inhello all, i'm 'researching', a jw who is in the first steps of taking a look at their beliefs.. i've semi-recently (about a couple weeks ago) heard about the sexual abuse cases (pennsylvania attorney general’s investigation request) and then the arc in 2015. this lead to a deep investigation, which lead to many questions arising.
a jw friend of mine suggested i be careful (due to apostates) and ask the brothers.
so i typed up my questions + concerns and emailed an elder my mother has known for a long time.
Pennsylvania Attorney General investigating WT for child abuse coverups
by krismalone in
Kingdom-Shop Hall
by scruffmcbuff ini was driving through the high street in highbrooms, royal tunbridge wells, uk yesterday.. in amongst the shop fronts was something ive never seen before.
a large shop front with big glass windows,posters in the windows saying "start your free bible study today" (or something along those lines.
where the shop name would be there was a large logo and a blue banner.
Powerful Sayings That Means A Lot For You Personally
by ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara injust was thinking how some powerful quotes, remarks, sayings hit the mark with me and how much it enriched/ enhamced/influences my life.
love beyond color.
reality is that which when you no longer believe in it , does not go away.. “the truth is a battle of perceptions.
The Church Father's "70 years"
by Doug Mason inin their letter to lobsto regarding the neo-babylonian chronology, the wts wrote the following regarding the early church fathers:.
less than 200 years after josephus, several early church writers clearly accepted that the length of the desolation or exile was 70 years, and no one gives any other length for this event.
for instance, tatian the assyrian (110 to 172 c.e.
Need Help: My Correspondence with the Headquarters
by Lobsto ina month ago i sent a letter to the us branch about 607. my purpose for sending it was because i wanted to show to my parents through the letters the truth behind the date system.
two days ago, i received a response from them.
i think this is gonna be the first of many.
A Video Series about 607 BC vs 587 BC
by Londo111 inthis is the main series playlist:.
this is the accompanying video appendix:.
"End of All Kingdoms in 1914!" 8-30-1914 World Magazine PDF!
by cabasilas inover the past 50 odd years, an article that was published in a new york city newspaper in 1914 has been quoted several times in watchtower publications.
this article was published in the august 30, 1914 world about pastor c.t.
russell's predictions for 1914. modern watchtower publications omit the facts from that article that show that russell's predictions for 1914 do not match the watchtower society's current understanding of 1914 as a "marked year.